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L'Institut d'assurance agréé (également connu sous le nom de CII) est un organisme professionnel voué à renforcer la confiance du public dans la profession de l'assurance et de la planification financière. Le but du CII, comme indiqué dans son 1912 Charte royale, est de « garantir et justifier la confiance du public’ de ses membres et du secteur de l'assurance dans son ensemble. It aims to do this by setting standards of integrity, technical competence, and business capability.How to purchase the Chartered Insurance Institute fake certificate?
En février 2016 Sian Fisher joined the Chartered Insurance Institute as CEO, taking over after Sandy Scott’s 16-year tenure. En novembre 2016, she launched a Strategic Manifesto outlining a 5-year plan to ensure the CII remains a valued partner and that the body’s purpose and vision are relevant to the challenges facing the profession.

The first Insurance Institute was established in Manchester on 14 Mars 1873 to provide an environment for the social exchange of knowledge and ideas on the subject of insurance, with a particular focus on fire insurance, given the number of textile manufacturers in the city. The Insurance Institute of Manchester had a selective membership policy and required members to hold senior positions within the industry, which led to the creation of a Junior Insurance Institute (later Insurance Association of Manchester) dans 1883 to provide education to those new to insurance.Buy the fake certificate online.
The second local institute to be formed was the Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow founded in 1881, which held education as its main focus. Following that the institutes of Ireland (in Dublin, 1885), Norwich (1886), Birmingham (1887), Yorkshire (in Leeds, 1888), Bristol (1890), Newcastle upon Tyne (1896), and Nottingham (1896), were formed, though with varying names, e.g. Insurance Social and Musical Society of Bristol.We can sell the CII fake certificate for you.
There was a growing interest in the idea of a central institute which would bolster the work and profile of the existing institutes, and so in March 1897 a conference of representatives from the 10 institutes was held in Manchester, and it was decided that they should form an association called The Federation of Insurance Institutes of Great Britain and Ireland. At this conference, it was also proposed that an annual journal of insurance papers should be produced, that the institutes should jointly offer examinations and certificates, and that an insurance clerks’ orphanage should be established.
Initialement, the responsibility for the Journal was assumed by the Birmingham and Glasgow institutes, while the Yorkshire institute and the Manchester association prepared the educational program, proposing that the Federation should act only as an examining body while local institutes undertook the teaching. The Insurance Clerks’ Orphanage was established as an independent organization in 1902, operating out of the offices of the London Salvage Corps.
At the 1906 conference of the Federation, it was decided that a royal charter should be sought and that the London Institute should act as a headquarters. Dans 1908, as a step towards gaining the charter, a constitution was agreed between the institutes, and the name was changed to The Insurance Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. The royal charter was granted in 1912 and the Insurance Institute of Great Britain and Ireland became the Chartered Insurance Institute. At this time there were 21 local institutes in Great Britain and Ireland and 4 affiliated institutes from within the British Empire.


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