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En la Universidad de Eastern Michigan, estamos comprometidos a ayudar a los estudiantes a encontrar la verdadera pasión. comprar transcripción falsa de Eastern Michigan University Quiero ver una muestra de título falso de Eastern Michigan University, Dónde comprar un título falso de la Universidad de Eastern Michigan,comprar certificado falso de Eastern Michigan University,Quiero ver una muestra de título falso de Eastern Michigan University, comprar diploma falso de Eastern Michigan University,Fundado en 1849, EMU is a small teacher college, a major learning and research institution with unique academic resources and strong community activities. We offer more than 200 especializaciones de pregrado, minors and certificates, y más de 150 graduate programs for 21,105 estudiantes. Mission EMU enriches life in a supportive, intellectually active and diverse community. Our full-time teachers balance teaching and research to provide students with relevant skills and real-world awareness. We are an opportunity for students to learn both inside and outside the classroom to benefit local and global communities. Vision East Michigan University will be the premier public university, recognized for student-centered learning, high-quality academic programs and community influence. Core Value Excellence We offer a special environment for faculty and students.how much for Eastern Michigan University fake degree, comprar diploma falso de Eastern Michigan University, Comprar un certificado de grado falso en Indiana, buy Eastern Michigan University fake diploma and transcript. constantly improve our performance and strive to do our best. Respect for our concern for employees, the community and the environment, and respect for the dignity of the individual. Inclusiveness We have created an environment that supports, represents, embraces and attracts members of different groups and identities. Responsibility We are responsible for our actions, actions and outcomes – whether individuals or teams. We keep our promise. Integrity and transparency are critical to our institutional efficiency. We pursue the highest levels of personal, intelectual, académico, financial and operational integrity in the university community. The strategic plan is a dynamic roadmap that has evolved over the years and has been widely invested throughout the university community. The program was developed under the direction of the Strategic Planning Committee (ISPC). En junio 2013, EMU’s board of directors approved the university’s new mission, valores de visión y de núcleo. The program includes four strategic themes and numerous goals and objectives that map to them. The entire university department has designed specific tasks to achieve the goals, and is working to achieve many of these tasks.

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